Whenever someone wrongs you, you can choose to either respond in anger or with a Christ-like nature. Responding in a Christ-like nature means trying to understand things from the other person's point of view. It sometimes requires a little bit of insight as to why...

The idea that you can be truly saved, and yet remain as you are, is the biggest downfall of the modern-day church. To be saved, one must accept Jesus for all that He is and come to a place of knowing our Savior. If you have...

“ I have learned to be content with whatever I have … I have learned the secret of living in every situation.” Philippians 4:11-12   I have learned: to give thanks to God, who gives me His all. To be aware of God-Moments in my daily activities To embrace each...

In case you woke up needing it, I wanted to take the time to remind you that you don't have to obsess over the things that you don't have control over. It might be easier said than done, but stop allowing your circumstances to take a...

The Bible says, 'Do not worry.' 365 times, to serve as a daily reminder not to worry. Don't get me wrong, it may be tough with everything that is going on in your life, but surrender your worries to God and trust him to deliver...

"When the oceans rise and thunders roar I will soar with you above the storm, Father you are King over the Flood I will be still know you are God. Find rest my soul in Christ alone, know His power in quietness and trust...

Oh Lord, Oh God, Forgive us Lord, For becoming complacent, With the things of the Nations, that break your heart. Oh Lord, Oh God, Our nations are in turmoil. Our people are lost, Lost in the darkness of greed and power. Lost in the abyss of hatred and violence. Bound by the spirit of corruption and lies. Oh...

Oh Lord, we want to stop for a moment. We want to stop in the chaos. We want to stop the hustle, And just be still. In the stillness of this moment, From the depths of our hearts, We pour out an offering of love. In this moment, this glorious moment, We thank you...

While scrolling through the timeline of one of my favourite celebs, I had a little shock: she was born in the same year as me! Even though she looked my age, I just never realized it, because ...

I have been trying my best to read more lately and have made a promise to myself, that come the end of the year, when I am on leave, I intend on spending a lot of time reading more of the books I had hoped...

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