Darkness had come again. And with it the cold knot of fear and anxiety that was fast becoming my constant companion. Each night, as the sun went down, I was compelled to keep vigil outside of my two and three-year-olds’ bedroom. Convinced that if I...

When we ponder over the things that we went and are going through, all we say and believe is that Jesus Christ lives and there is hope for tomorrow. If Jesus is the centre and Master of our lives, there is no need to fear...

I have several Max Lucado books as I find his conversational writing style to be simple to follow, and mostly because he has the gift of the Holy Spirit and his writing manages to break through my walls. When I am down - and in...

What does laziness look like? It can look like a yawning girl stretching out on the couch with body odour that's more than a few days old. Or, it could look like you and me: ordinary women who truly love God, are serving Him, but never really...

It all started when I was in attendance at my little fellowship one Saturday morning. As usual, we got going with prayer — nothing coordinated by a programme; just flowing as the Holy Spirit would help us. Then, just when everyone else seemed to be done praying,...

As I think about what to share, mothers day is around the corner. I would like to focus on a different aspect of motherhood. My thoughts go to those who stand at the crossroads of decision...

Father, I give you my all. I surrender everything I own to your will. I'm willing to obey your instructions. Take the wheel of my life, for my strength, has failed me. I trust you Lord to come to my rescue. Thanks for the prayers...

Part of why I love partnering with Struik Christian Media is that I am constantly being introduced to new authors that I may never have come across, had it not been for their enthusiasm and passion for introducing and promoting both local and international authors....

If we really have to be honest with ourselves, I believe there is not one person that has not had a bad experience in life, from childhood memories to trauma experienced from unexpected events. It is important to understand that not everyone has the same...

I usually thought life was all rosy and fun-filled. Back in those days when I had my entire life altogether, fewer worries! I thought wrong! I began to see the clearer picture when I had to face the real world. Situations around made me withdraw my previous...

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