Christian Blog in South Africa - Page 18 of 23 - Cup of Faith

Dear Lord, as I come to the final days of this difficult year, I pray You will renew within me, a spirit of Godly Trust, As I prepare to meet the unknown challenges of the year Which lies before me now. Help me find courage in the face of...

It is so important to know how to listen when God is speaking to you and how to recognise what God's voice sounds like. Some of my internet friends have shared their experiences in today's video. They are ordinary people, just like you and me,...

Relationships are hard, and they can become even harder when trying to navigate anxiety. If you've experienced an anxiety attack, remember, you’re not alone. You’ve come through each anxiety attack victorious no matter how long it took. However, you might feel as though your significant...

Does anyone else struggle with fear? 🙋 Fear and anxiety are a perpetual problem in my life but OVER TIME I have learned how to deal with fear and send it Packing. In today's video, I am going to share with you how to overcome fear...

Oh this challenge to know me Oh this challenge to find me Oh this challenge to love me Deep in my heart, In the core of my being. I long for more, I long for life, I long for love, Every fibre, Every nerve, Every muscle, Every drop of blood, Wants to be more, Learn more, Love more Neglected, abused, Pushed...

 “Do not be ashamed of your testimony to our Lord… But bear your hardship … with the strength that comes from God.” 2 Timothy 1:8 Yes, I have a living testimony of all that He has done in my life. Ever-present with His Love, His Comfort, His Peace renewed each...

Your heart has been torn apart, the intense pain of rejection hits your every nerve, it hurts so bad you feel like you're suffocating, you feel unloved, unwanted like nobody cares, and like you're not meant to be apart of this world. STOP! Think again. Think of this: God...

Whenever someone wrongs you, you can choose to either respond in anger or with a Christ-like nature. Responding in a Christ-like nature means trying to understand things from the other person's point of view. It sometimes requires a little bit of insight as to why...

The idea that you can be truly saved, and yet remain as you are, is the biggest downfall of the modern-day church. To be saved, one must accept Jesus for all that He is and come to a place of knowing our Savior. If you have...

“ I have learned to be content with whatever I have … I have learned the secret of living in every situation.” Philippians 4:11-12   I have learned: to give thanks to God, who gives me His all. To be aware of God-Moments in my daily activities To embrace each...

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