When people are studying theology in order to serve in full-time or part-time ministry, one of the last things they think of is studying for children’s ministry. “You can learn that on the job” your minister might say, or “just get the theology behind you”....

I've decided to reach out to artists to see how they are navigating Covid-19 with the hope of sharing their stories, tips and most importantly, sharing ways that we, as a community, can support our local talent, especially during these trying times. Next is Ernie Smith. The...

I've decided to reach out to artists to see how they are navigating Covid-19 with the hope of sharing their stories, tips and most importantly, sharing ways that we, as a community, can support our local talent, especially during these trying times. Next is Chevelle. Multiple award-winning...

We're fifty-something days into our lockdown here in South Africa, and admittedly, for the first time, I feel like I am starting to accept that perhaps life isn't going to look or feel like it used to, or at least it won't for a while....

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