Is writing on your New Year’s Resolutions List? John 21:15-17 (NIV) When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?” “Yes, Lord,” he said, “you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.” Again Jesus said,...

Each of us have our own challenges when it comes to renewing our mind around our identity in Christ. I’m so convinced about the importance of our identity that I have written a 40 day devotional on it. But head knowledge is one matter. Revelation...

Do you believe that God loves new beginnings? Blossoms slowly opening, baby kittens born, a sunrise and the fresh morning air of dawn – some of these simple life pleasures lead me to believe that he absolutely does! And so it is for Cup of Faith: “Behold, I...

We must keep ourselves reminded of diverse kingdom principles that influence our faith. Among these kingdom principles lies ‘Unity'. That isn't a new word in Christendom. In other words, we're cognisant of the word ‘Unity'. Therefore, unity means oneness. Oneness of heart as Christian women. Where...

Abigail in 1 Samuel 25: 1-44, is a woman whose story has been told from different angles. Some have focused on her story as a woman who took David the psalmist after she managed her harsh and evil Nabal. Some have focused on Abigail as...

The battle between flesh and the Spirit, a more general description to this battle is temptation… Definition: Biblically, temptation is a physical and/or mental desire to sin – a deep craving for something that stands in direct contrast to the Word of God. As Christians, we live...

It's embarrassing but there was a season where I dreaded Proverbs 31. I would cringe at posters, conferences and Bible studies that went on about that woman who had it all together. I struggled to relate with her. She was perfect! And I wasn't. She...

No matter the obstacles along the way, keep moving. No matter the mountains and valleys ahead in the way let's keep pressing towards the goal. When you fall down rise up and continue with the journey. Standing in one position will not produce results. The greater...

When was the last time you read the book of Job? Take a look at the first two chapters again! Job went through a lot! And most of that was all in one day! Job's instant losses ranged from death and theft of his livestock to...

I found him suffocating in building sand. One shimmering afternoon in July 1997 my dad was laying concrete slabs while my brother helped me with much-needed weeding. Dad and I had been jesting and chatting through and over the 6-foot wall that separated our homes. Suddenly...

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