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Bible Journaling on a Budget

When you first stumble upon Bible Journaling, you might find yourself feeling overwhelmed by all the mediums and supplies that the internet makes you believe you need – well, at least that’s how I felt. However, don’t let that take away from WHAT Bible Journaling is! Loads of people just use a pen and some sticky notes, but if like me, you want to get a little more creative and colourful, then it’s helpful to know where to shop, what to look for, and how to budget for Bible Journaling supplies.

Journaling Bible

The cost of a journaling Bible is no joke! I have purchased two for myself, one being the My Creative Bible and the second being the She Reads Truth Bible, both of which I feel were great purchases but might be out of your budget, especially if you’re just starting out. A good option might be to buy one of these Scripture Journals that retail for R99 each (and often go on special for R60.) Although it will cost more to purchase each book individually (in the long run), it might be more doable purchasing one book to try out Bible Journaling and see if it’s something you like, before investing in a bible.

Craft Supplies

We aren’t really spoilt for choice when it comes to products designed specifically for Bible Journaling here in South Africa, and besides the small selection of products that CUM Books have recently launched, I struggle to find dedicated supplies. However, our limited options has challenged me to get creative and the best place to go is The Crazy Store!

I am not joking when I say that at least 80% of my Bible Journaling supplies come from the Crazy Store. Of course, they’re not marketed as Bible Journaling supplies, but you will be surprised by just how much you CAN get from their craft section and at ridiculously low prices!

My Favourite Supplies:

Of course, it always pays off to shop around! I have found a few good steals at the bottom of sales bins, especially from stores like CNA, Typo and Game where their stationery isn’t usually that affordable. Typo is especially generous with some of their sales!

If you’re up for a long wait (roughly 2,5 months), you should also check out Wish! There are loads of stickers, stencils, stamp-kits and lots and lots of washi-tape! A lot of it you can get for dirt cheap (or even free, just pay shipping!) but if you’re impatient like me, well, shopping around is loads more fun!

Have you found any good places to stock up on Bible Journaling supplies? Comment below, I’d love to add to my stash!

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  • Jane
    Posted at 14:20h, 01 May Reply

    I never would have thought to check the Crazy Store! Thanks for sharing. I have a KJV Promises Bible and while I love it, I’m thinking of getting a journaling Bible in a NLT translation (which is what I typically read).

    • Kate Walsh
      Posted at 16:39h, 07 May Reply

      Hi Jane, please share pictures if you do! Creativity + meditation on the Word = WIN

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