When was the last time you read the book of Job? Take a look at the first two chapters again! Job went through a lot! And most of that was all in one day! Job's instant losses ranged from death and theft of his livestock to...

What does laziness look like? It can look like a yawning girl stretching out on the couch with body odour that's more than a few days old. Or, it could look like you and me: ordinary women who truly love God, are serving Him, but never really...

It all started when I was in attendance at my little fellowship one Saturday morning. As usual, we got going with prayer — nothing coordinated by a programme; just flowing as the Holy Spirit would help us. Then, just when everyone else seemed to be done praying,...

What have we learned from the pandemic? If we have learned anything from the covid-19 pandemic, it could be this: God is not confined to the church walls. We've always said that, but when we had to deal with gathering restrictions and virtual church services, it...

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