I remember watching ‘Back To The Future’ as a kid thinking, "Oh, how I wish I had a flux capacitor!” If you have not seen this movie, stop reading this and go watch it (you’re welcome). If you have seen the movie, then you are...

It's Mother’s Day month again and as I ponder this I can’t help but think about the changing roles of motherhood. As I have said in previous blog posts, my husband and I have 3 kids and over the course of the past 27 years...

I have always enjoyed reading scripture. When I was a little girl I remember playing “church” with my friends. We would open up our family Bible and read for hours. Of course we had one of those Bibles that took up a whole end table....

Weakness is a part of my daily life. As I type out that sentence feels exposing and raw, but it is true. I haven’t had the right language to name what it is but it started shortly after I got Covid for the second time...

Along with the rest of the world, finding a rhythm over the past few years has been a bit tricky for me. When 2020 hit I had two kids in school. My husband and I were homeschooling already, so there was no real change in...

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