There was a period in my life I broke God's heart. A time I thought God had surely forgotten about me. Caught in a web of deceit and betrayal my recovery and restoration was a bloody and tragic one. I grovelled in a murky pit of...

In 2007 a ministry appointment in a London Church taught me a lesson that remains valuable and changed my perspective on what the Apostle Paul means when he says, “I am poured out for the sake of the Kingdom” (2 Tim 4:6). God indeed requires...

For the aged ageing woman and the young who are ageing Embrace your true self - this is the very essence of your earthly journey. To become more like our Creator in nature and to pursue inseparable intimacy. My family genes acquire "greying" at a very young...

I found him suffocating in building sand. One shimmering afternoon in July 1997 my dad was laying concrete slabs while my brother helped me with much-needed weeding. Dad and I had been jesting and chatting through and over the 6-foot wall that separated our homes. Suddenly...

Anna ran towards the lopsided barn. Anticipation high with a hope that danced inside her tormented soul. Would he look into her eyes and know. Would he see her ugly truth? The hiddenness...

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