22 Feb Building Phase
A utilized singledom phase gives rise to a godly woman fit for the master’s use, who will in turn build a godly home. Therefore, singledom is a building phase. This stage allows you to plough the soil of your heart, plant beneficial seeds, water your seeds, uproot undesirable weeds that impede its growth and supply nutrients to enhance their development. Gradually, these seeds begin to grow, revealing your unending efforts to produce beneficial fruits. The blossoming of your fruits births a godly character in you. That’s a miracle!
To ensure your seeds flourish, your commitment and prayers are vital at this phase. However, these valuable seeds consist of love, patience, kindness, joy, generosity, peace, meekness, self-discipline, persistent, gentleness, faith, optimistic attitude, long-suffering, tolerance, ability to encourage others, goodness and temperance.
Subsequently, during the growth process of your seeds, other detrimental seeds known as weeds begin to surface to choke your seeds and prevent them from maturing. For no reason should you hesitate the removal of such weeds as anger, promiscuity, unforgiveness, disobedience, dishonesty, strife, jealousy, envy, self-centred, pride, arrogance, slander, misunderstanding, lukewarmness and gossip?
These weeds are assigned to distract and discourage you from building yourself. Don’t be afraid when you come across them rather abide in Jesus Christ who is the true vine. John 15:5 gave a perfect illustration of our insufficiency without God’s assistance, “I am the vine(Jesus Christ); you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me, you can do nothing.” Abiding in Jesus Christ guarantees the growth of your seeds into incredible fruits that would stand the test of time. Take away doubt and approach the mercy throne of God with humility seeking His help, be intentional about it.
Furthermore, it’s ideal every woman possesses the virtue of godly character before walking down the aisle, the Bible calls it the unfading beauty. This virtue comes foremost before your outward beauty, which tends to fade away with time. My studies show that men are drawn to women of godly character and observation of their physical beauty comes second not vice versa.
Also, that’s not an excuse for you to quit beautifying your outward appearance and move about shabbily. Don’t you know your outward adornments epitomizes your godly character? The book of 1 Peter 3:3-4 expounded this, “Your beauty should not come from outward adornments, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in Gods sight.”
The Singledom phase is also considered as the best time to devote ourselves, time, money and talents to God. At this stage, it’s important that we’re committed to the things of God and derives joy from enhancing the growth of His kingdom. You don’t have to search before getting involved in God’s work.
Hence, you can start from your local church, become an active member of one unit. For instance, the evangelism unit, which grants you the license to win souls for Christ and populate the kingdom of God. Or, the outreach unit, as a member of this unit you stand a chance of ministering to the poor, this is a lovely opportunity to extend your hands of love and care to those who need them the most. Seize the moment! Become part of those beautifying the house of God, that’s also a great unit to serve God with. If you’re unsure of what unit to join, inquire from your pastor or church head the next time you go for fellowship.
However, your intimate relationship with God must come first. Don’t neglect the place of sweet fellowship with God for anything neither substitute it with your activities for Him. The Bible tells us something interesting about our devotion to God while single; 1 Corinthians 7:34, “and his interests are divided. An unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lord’s affairs: Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit. But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world —how she can please her husband.” Hence, your daily yearning as a single woman is to please your creator and do his will.
The building phase of singledom makes the transition process fun-filled and interesting. Be determined not to listen to the voice of loneliness and boredom. Instead, get committed to planting valuable seeds and uprooting harmful seeds from the soil of your heart. I pray for you, the grace to be committed to building a godly character is released upon you. I speak restoration to your intimate relationship with God in Jesus name.
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When I’m not geeking out over SEO, you’ll find me deep in the world of self-development. As a dedicated student of continuous growth, I write about my growth journey, sharing insights to help others unlock their potential. So, if you’re looking for a little push to become your best self, stick around—I’ve got you covered!
Beulah Kleinveldt
Posted at 08:14h, 26 FebruaryIntimacy with God establishes our beauty. Absolutely