14 Nov You are worthy
Your heart has been torn apart, the intense pain of rejection hits your every nerve, it hurts so bad you feel like you’re suffocating, you feel unloved, unwanted like nobody cares, and like you’re not meant to be apart of this world.
Think again.
Think of this:
God knew you before time began before you were born and before the very people who rejected you and hurt you even knew of your existence. He created you with the utmost care and knew everything about you; what your name would be, and even what your strengths and weakness would be. (Jeremiah 1:5)
Grab hold of that truth, and take heart in knowing that it doesn’t matter who your parents are, what you’ve done in your past, who beat you, who degraded you, who told you how worthless you are or even how you’ve hated yourself. When you are a child of God, none of this matters, for God can take the most broken, the angriest, the most unloved souls and transform them into something beautiful, you just have to believe in Christ, our Saviour, and surrender to His love.
Focus your thoughts on Him, and leave all doubts, self-loathing and insecurities at the door, as you walk every day embraced by our heavenly Father. John 1:13 says, “To be a child of God has nothing to do with human parents. Children of God are not born because of human choice or because a husband wants them to be born. They are born because of what God does.”
Maybe you’ve lost sight of God, maybe you’ve allowed the lies of the enemy to become louder than the voice of God, maybe you’ve never heard the voice of God, listen for His voice today, listen to him calling you into His house, He’s waiting to embrace you, transform you and do miracles in your life. Surrender it all today, take a step in faith and walk as a child of God.

I am a single mom to a 16-year-old daughter. I gave my life to the Lord in 2012 and stand daily in awe of how Great God is. With God I have overcome severe depression, addictions, low self-esteem and suicidal tendencies. I have moved from living in lack of, to owning a company. I love to serve in the kingdom of God. I also love writing and listening to music.
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