04 Feb Uplifting your Hope-Meter in Life
I believe that every Christian has gone through or will go through a dark night of the soul where deep doubts and fears flare-up, but to overcome those fears is as simple as staying in the Bible faithfully, day by day.
Desmond Tutu once said, “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.”
I want to remind you of the following truth – there is hope in His resurrection, there is the Gospel of God and that should change everything that you do. Let me assure you – if you look at your life and you are not living in the hope of your salvation, then the devil is lying to you.
A lot of people in this world trust in different things, but I am talking about trusting with hope. Daily prayer will invite God into our lives and help us establish a deeper trust.
We are anchored in our soul; we are not drifters. God is offering you a sanctuary of peace…but TRUST is the key. – Hebrews 6:19
I keep a journal with my Bible, and start with a prayer just asking that God speaks to me through His Word, giving me the knowledge to understand what He is laying on my heart, and then handing Him every single one of our burdens, worries, and fears.
Use the following acronym as a daily affirmation in your journal.
H – have
O – only
P – positive
E – expectations
There is hope when you trust in God for you know that it does not matter what comes today, it does not matter what comes tomorrow,
I know where my soul rests – Psalms 62:1
I know my soul is in the hands of God. I know that my salvation is in the hands of God and everything else becomes easier. If we can trust God with our very soul for eternity, how much easier is it to trust Him with the simple things that we are faced with every single day?
We know that we need to live with hope, we need to have trust with hope, and finally, we need to have faith with hope.
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. – Psalm 119:105

Pastoral Counsellor (special interest in trauma).
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