07 Feb This is Your Testimony
Various religions explain that it is impossible to be certain of your salvation, that you have to wait for judgement day for God to weigh your works to see if they are worthy of eternal life, but it is not that way for us. There is such an immeasurable sense of joy, peace and liberty for those who have placed their trust in the Lord Jesus. We as believers can know that we are saved right here and right now.
“And this is the testimony that God gave us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life. I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God that you may know that you have eternal life”. – 1 John 5:11-13
John highlights three things to us:
1) God has already given us eternal life; this eternal life is received in the present. Eternal life has started, it will not start when we die but will only perpetuate after we leave this world.
2) Whoever receives the Son has eternal life; all who believe in the Son of God have eternal life. Eternal life is not only our future legacy but also our current possession.
3) Lastly, those who have the Son must know that they have eternal life, today. We don’t have to wait for judgement day to find out if we have eternal life or not. These are truths that every believer should remember quite often. It guards us against falling into a religious mindset and from trusting in our own efforts. It is Jesus only who can save us and He does it so well.
God has given us His Son so that He would be the sacrifice that would save us once and for all. God has not left us unsure about our salvation. There is a guarantee that has been issued to us who believe and that guarantee is in Jesus, the Son of God.
Jesus is the lamb and the priest. He has become a guarantor of a better covenant (Hebrews 7:22). This truth changes the way we worship and serve the Lord. Being rooted in Christ is the only way to see the Father. This is our testimony! We have an assurance; this casts away all fear, heaviness and condemnation. It restores our confidence in Christ and in His finished work on the cross.

I love God and His word. I have a great passion to help women mature in their relationship with Christ…it’s possible because God’s grace has removed the boundaries. We have unlimited access to our Father.
Posted at 21:10h, 08 FebruaryThis post is so well put. We are taught to look forward to the rapture and judgment but no emphasis and preparation is done for the here and now.