10 Feb The Promise Keeper
God is our Father and unlike the son of man, He does not lie. Whatever He has promised, He makes sure everything comes to pass, no matter how long it may take. We are still pushing in this Covid-19 era. Sisters, it really matters whose report you believe. God is faithful to fulfill it all.
God heard the baby crying, and the Angel of God called Hagar from heaven and said to her, what is the matter Hagar. Do not be afraid, God has heard the boy crying as he lies there. Lift the boy up and take him by the hand, for l will make him into a great nation. Then God opened her eyes and she saw a well of water so she went and filled the skin with water and gave the boy a drink. – Genesis 21:17-19 NIV.
Ishmael was Abraham’s son the father of many nations. God has spoken a word upon Abraham’s life and blessed him. That he shall have as many descendants as the stars of the sky, why? Because he was a man of Faith, he was God’s friend and was always pleasing the Lord. Even though Ishmael was not the promised son for him and Sarah. He was conceived after Sarah decided to help God with all His plans upon Abraham. Although it was not so God did not stop the blessings from flowing to Ishmael. and to become a nation because God had promised Abraham that he shall become a father to many nations which was to be achieved through Abraham’s offsprings, Ishmael included. Indeed God is a promise keeper, and we can see it through Ishmael. He doesn’t change whatever He has promised us, He will make sure it comes to pass no matter the circumstances we might find ourselves in.
What is it that the Lord has promised you? What is that word that He has spoken upon your life? Trust His timing it will definitely come to pass. Our Father is a Promise Keeper, all promises are still yes and amen in the name of Jesus. You might not see anything yet but that doesn’t mean God is not doing anything. He is actually preparing you for greater heights. He is the God who performs His word upon us all.
Always trust in God and never lean on your own understanding. He is able and apart from Him, there is no other place that our trust can be strong and secure. Jesus is the rock of ages lets stand on Him for all other places is actually sinking ground.
Trust in the Lord will all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. – Proverbs 3: 5-6 NIV

My name is Ellen, I am married and a mother of 2. I hold diplomas in Marketing and Business and Industrial Administration. I’m a motivational speaker with a passion for empowering, encouraging and inspiring women.All my work is empowered by the holy spirit, who guides me and tells me what to write with the aim of soul winning.
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