02 Nov The Privilege Our Predicaments Bestow on Us
For some time now, I have been facing some challenges in my personal life which I have been meditating on – frankly, inwardly complaining about how little resources I seem to have to achieve my goals and aspirations. As I continued grumbling, the parable of our Lord Jesus Christ about the unprofitable servant flashed into my mind and I realized something I had never before.
The master gave talents to his servants. One received 5, another received 2, the last was given just 1.
At first glance, it seemed the master was being partial. While one of his peers was given 5 talents, this servant was given just one talent. Ah! That’s just plain unfair! You expect him to work with so little resources and produce results?!
This might seem unfair but, notice the basis for the distribution; “according to their ability”.
The master knew the ability of each of them. He knew this particular servant had such greatness in him that could produce results even with one talent! The master knew that one talent was enough for him to shine! The painful thing is the servant couldn’t see the opportunity in his pain! He didn’t see the privilege his predicament was bestowing on him. All he could think of was how little resources he was given is.
As I meditated on this passage, the Lord asked me “do you know this servant could have gained up to 50 more talents with his one talent?” He could have outshined the ones who received more than him if he had applied himself to do so! I wonder the kind of accolades he would have gotten if he applied his one talent and gained 5 or 10! Even if he gained 3, his percentage increment is still greater than the one who had 5 and gained 5 more. Just imagine the glory of using little resources to accomplish so much more.
If you take a good look around you, you will find that some of the people who you envy, have fewer resources than you yet they are creating the results you long for. If we apply our hearts to wisdom, we will find that we can achieve greater results than some who seem to have more resources than us.
It’s time to stop concentrating on our pain! We must bow our hearts and ears before God to find out the purpose in our pain and the privilege our predicament is bestowing on us. Our Lord knows our ability and He will not permit us to be tested beyond our ability. By His grace, we can shine despite the gloom and doom around.
The privilege our predicaments bestow on us is the testimony that we fulfilled divine purpose notwithstanding adversity! One thing that usually blinds us to the privilege of our predicament is unhealthy comparison.
Jesus told the Pharisee that their error stems from their ignorance of the scriptures and the power of God. If only we would allow the Holy Spirit to illuminate the scripture as it relates to our situations! What was written in the scripture was written for our edification and enlightenment.
Consider the Levite family.
Levi the son of Jacob had three sons – Gershon, Merari, and Kohath. Thus, the Levites were reckoned within 3 subdivisions or households, each with a special divine assignment. When the dedication service was done, the princes of Israel brought a special offering that God asked Moses to distribute to the three households of Levi. The special offering comprised six wagons and twelve oxen. How would you share it if it were you? Let’s divide everything into three equal parts-each household gets 2 wagons and 4 oxen. Right?
Well, Moses didn’t do it that way!
Gershon got 2 wagons and 4 oxen.
Merari got 4 wagons and 8 oxen.
Kohath got nothing!
If you were a Kohathite, wouldn’t you feel cheated? Or if you were a Merarite, you might even feel special, right? The truth is that you would be wrong either way! Having more or less isn’t really about you. Isn’t that humbling?
We must learn that the resources God gives us or puts at our disposal are solely for His purposes and at His discretion. We should never make the mistake of comparing ourselves to others or envying them; for our God is the only wise! He deals with us according to His purposes for us.
You see, the Levites were in charge of transporting the tabernacle and its articles. The Merari household had more to carry than the Gershon household. The Kohathites carried the least but their cargo was the most sacred. It was to be borne on their shoulders.
My dear friend, face your assignment! Stop complaining about your lot. Stop comparing yourself to others.
Our paths in life differ.
Our pain and gain will differ.
Our purpose in life differs.
Our resources will differ.
Let’s just be faithful to that which we have been called to.
We will receive our crown of glory if we faint not.
“For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.” – 2 Corinthians 10:12
Further reading:
Numbers 7:3-9
Matthew 25:25-28

I am Deborah. I love God. I love life. I love excellence. I hold a Master’s degree in Agricultural Economics. Writing is a passion turned profession for me. I blog occasionally and also offer ghost-writing and proofreading services to authors. I am working on my own book too. Oh! I love music! I am a praise and worship leader in my church and I sing alto in the choir. I also write songs occasionally. I am currently learning how to play acoustic guitar.
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