13 Jan Prayer for a New Year
Dear Lord, as I come to the final days of this difficult year,
I pray You will renew within me, a spirit of Godly Trust,
As I prepare to meet the unknown challenges of the year
Which lies before me now.
Help me find courage in the face of adversity
Compassion in times of loss,
And contentment in the routines of my daily life.
Show me Your Light, so I may follow You each day,
With my Spirit open to Your enlightenment.
Fill me with Your Peace as I place my Hope and Trust
In You alone.
With a heart of gratitude for the Grace and Blessings
You have laid upon my life,
I choose to serve You by lifting up, in love,
Those who pass my way each day.
May this New Year become, for me,
A journey of “Living in Your Light”
Taking time for Scripture reading and sincere prayer
So I can share Your Love and Peace
With those, I love most deeply.
I pray this, Dear Lord, in Your Holy Name,
With a thankful heart and a firm Faith,
As we begin a New Year, where thoughts of You
Are foremost in my heart and mind.

I enjoy writing, quilting, gospel music, and being Oma to 8 precious grandchildren. We were a farming family, retiring to Medicine Hat, Alberta in 2000. My husband Tony, is the love of my life, and my faithfully patient caregiver. We have 3 adult children with families, and they are very supportive and loving. I am truly blessed, despite my health challenges, and I believe my ministry from home is God’s calling for me! I am privileged to share my Faith and bring God’s love whenever possible.
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