Mirror, Mirror on the Word

We make time to stand in front of the mirror, even if we are late. We will carry a small pocket mirror in our handbags. We don’t always find it odd to quickly take out a mirror and take a quick look at our make-up, if our hairstyles are still intact, if the lipstick has not smudged, or to check if there isn’t a crumb of toast on our lips that is screaming for attention. We do this to make sure that we somehow look presentable and flawless (whatever that means).

Now, the word of God acts as a mirror for our spirit man (See James 1:23-25). The only way to take a look at your spirit is to look into the word of God. We need to make time to study the bible daily. When we do this we get to see what is not right about ourselves, character, attitude, thoughts, and hidden beliefs. The word will reveal your heart and where your heart is at that season and time. When you know what is not right, you start asking the Holy Spirit to help you to become more Christ-like in that area.

You begin to ask for a humble spirit, self-control, patience, strength, love, and gentleness. If we can make our appearance a priority then we can make our hearts a priority also. So today “selfies” are quite common (I bet you have a selfie or two on your phone, I got lots), we make sure that the lighting is great, that the angle is perfect, you even decide how wide your eyes will open and what should be in the background. But what if we were to take a spiritual selfie right now…

How would I look? How would you look? Remember that God looks at the heart, not at our waterproof mascara.  He wants you to reflect His word in the way you speak… your speech should be seasoned with salt.  Your life is a sweet aroma to those who are perishing and to those who are in darkness, You are a city on a hill, on dark nights you shine so bright that people who see the light come to it. Your life is an invitation. Your life shouts COME to Jesus. What a beautiful thing! Sometimes we tell people about Jesus and sometimes our lives do the telling.

See, bearing fruit is glorifying to the Father. Jesus says that we can only bear fruit if we abide in him. (John 15) We must remain in him (stay in; dwell in, to be engrafted). If we are in him then we will draw life from him and fruits will start to grow not just any fruit but long-lasting fruits. We in ourselves cannot produce anything. We need to look into the word of God. let the word deal with you. You need to know what God is saying to you and grow.

No one is perfect, but we should all carry a desire to be changed into what God has called us to be. We need to allow God to work in us. Yield yourself to the Holy Spirit. If he says that the make-up of your spirit needs re-doing, trust him and be sure that he will bring to completion the good work that he has begun in you.

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1 Comment
  • Rethabile Moloko
    Posted at 16:55h, 13 April Reply

    You brought it home so nice. Thank you. This is an inspiration

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