12 Jun Get away with Jesus
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”– Matthew 11:29 (MSG)
We live in a world where we constantly have to prove ourselves. In our jobs, amongst our friends and even in the comfort of our homes; we constantly feel the need to prove that we have everything under control. Even social media has become the battle of the fittest, where people compete for the ”best mum” award during the lockdown.
The madness of trying to be everything to everyone comes at the cost of being depleted and stretched too thin. But as we juggle all the balls in our hands frantically and in vain, Jesus gently invites us to stop trying so hard and get away with Him.
I have realised that on the days where I have taken time to be in the presence of Jesus amidst my crazy schedule, somehow things tend to fall into place. The day surprisingly seems longer to accommodate all my daily tasks while leaving me feeling refreshed.
Reading Matthew 11:29 from the Message version is my preference as it makes this verse loud and clear to me. As I meditate on it, I see Jesus with so much compassion in his eyes gently inviting me to let go of all my cares and get away with Him instead. To take a walk with Him and work with Him by watching how He does it and learn from His simple and easy ways. His ways of unforced rhythms of grace as He won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on me. And as I keep company with Him, He promises that I will learn how to live freely and lightly and ultimately recover my very own life.
Oh! What an invitation!
It warms my heart to know that Jesus wants to spend time and keep company with me. To know He cares even for the little things in my life, that I may be worried about but have dismissed as unimportant to bring in His presence.
I pray you will put down whatever has gotten you anxious and take time to get away with Him. Where He will pour back on you and leave you feeling strengthened and well equipped to face the demands of your day.
Go on, take a walk with Jesus. He is waiting for you.

I am a lover of Jesus, wife, mama bear to two cute cubs, Christian blogger and an extrovert at heart. I love meaningful conversations, beautiful spaces, a good read and not forgetting delish FOOD. When I am not working or wearing my mom/wife hat, then I am probably talking about the goodness of the Lord. With all the challenges in life, I continuously find my HOPE in Christ alone. My passion is to inspire others in their faith walk by sharing my stories through writing and speaking engagements.
Katlego Munthali
Posted at 12:58h, 12 JuneI’m uplifted once again…thank you Mrs Seletswane. Ur willingness to answer the call to Jesus is on its own as answer so many prayers out there, mine included. I shall go straight to the book of Matthew 11:29 and be on a getaway with Jesus, it’s much needed.
Posted at 14:59h, 12 JuneRefreshing insight into how one can rest in God.
Posted at 13:50h, 29 JuneWell said! Thank you for a great article! God’s Word always comforts!