Faith for Fertility

In desiring to wait in faith for a baby to be added to our family, my husband and I have drafted a scripture based petitioning prayer to pray together. We know that God is on our side – family is His design, after all. Our scripture-based prayers are not designed to ‘convince’ Him of our case. Instead, we long for our hearts to be united and hopeful during our in-between time.

This prayer devotional is based on that prayer.

If you’re currently hoping for an adoption, natural conception, or fertility treatment, this devotional is just for you. Find solace in allowing God to infuse your heart with hope, patience, and faith as you keep your focus on Him. I highly recommend taking this devotional journey alongside your spouse.

Find your free, downloadable copy of the Faith for Fertility prayer devotional here (no sign up required). You can also read it on YouVersion.


Please share this page with couples who may be experiencing something similar!

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