Cry out! He is listening

Father, I give you my all. I surrender everything I own to your will. I’m willing to obey your instructions. Take the wheel of my life, for my strength, has failed me. I trust you Lord to come to my rescue. Thanks for the prayers answered.

Those above lines became my daily heart cry to God. I struggled to keep my side of the bargain. Having confessed those words sincerely, a few hours later I was back to the regular me of worrying if God truly could handle my life.

This inconstancy in trusting God has become a battle for a lot of us. This minute we trust God for help and the next minute we are engrossed with worries and fears. We ask God to perfect His plans for our life—but along the way, we begin to interfere in His way.

We’re truly looking up to Jesus and trusting in Him. However, a slight glimpse of our problems distracts our focus, and gradually we begin to sink into those challenges.

What are your reactions when your gaze on Jesus is diverted? Will you rather sink or cry out?

However, we aren’t left in the dark to guess our way through. This same attitude of inconsistency in trusting God was evident in Peter’s life. – Matthew 14: 25 – 33

Peter’s story about how he walked on water was epic and daring. He was one of Jesus courageous disciples who wouldn’t hesitate to follow in his master’s footsteps.

He wasn’t afraid to try something new. Hence, when he saw his master walking on water he immediately left the boat and stood on the water.

At that stage, we could believe that he became unconscious of the vast waters around him and the waves. All his attention was focused on getting to Jesus. He was certainly looking unto Jesus.

But then something happened—he lost his focus. Doubt began to creep into his heart because he became conscious of sinking. Suddenly, he started sinking.

My spirit got open to see the way out of my struggle through Peter’s story.

Peter would have sunk if he hadn’t cried out to Jesus. But thank goodness he did and instantly Jesus took hold of his hand and pulled him back on course.

That’s exactly what God expects from me and you. He knows how we battle to keep our gaze on Him. He isn’t compelling us to do it at all cost. Neither is He offended we get to doubt His abilities and power.

All He desires is that we cry out to Him to help us from sinking into our worries. He is waiting to hear our cry—He wouldn’t hesitate to come to our rescue.

We shouldn’t feel discouraged, whenever we doubt God’s help. Instead, we should be quick to cry for His help. We may be shaken by the storm of life, but God isn’t.

By looking unto Jesus, we’re empowered to do the impossible, just the way Peter walked on the water. Perhaps we begin to sink on that path—Cry out! He is listening.

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