07 Oct Counting Your Blessings with a Gratitude Journal
When I was a teenager, I read somewhere that Oprah kept a gratitude journal and every day, she’d write down five things that she was grateful for. From fresh flowers to the kindness of strangers, Oprah shared that acknowledging these things made her more receptive to the goodness in her life.
Years later, I decided to do something similar and started a series on Instagram where I’d share My Weekly Win and challenging myself to look for the good in each week that passed, even during the most challenging seasons of life. As time went by and I took a step back from sharing so much of my life online, I transitioned to a gratitude journal and would focus on highlighting at least 3 things that I was grateful for each day. Over time, this has become a habit and every day, before bed, I make sure to look for the good in the day.
Truthfully, when I first started my gratitude journal, I was doing it with the hope that it would help me dig myself out of a very negative hole that I had fallen into. I was overwhelmed by everything going wrong in our lives and felt out of control. All too often, I found myself asking God for a break, begging Him for a win – just ONE thing, ANYTHING! I NEEDED something to go right, so when Joyce Meyer’s suggested in her podcast to literally count your blessings by physically writing them out, I did, and it’s changed my outlook on life and has made me a more grateful person!
Recently, CUM Books launched a beautiful range of books featuring a 120-day Gratitude Journal called, ‘My Gratitude Journal’ and ‘A Gift Of Grace And Gratitude Devotional’ by Carolyn Larsen which they were kind enough to send to me.
Over the last month, I have been using each of these books together and love how they encourage you to seek the blessings in each day. I find that even on the hardest and most challenging days, spending a few minutes highlighting the good – no matter how big or small – really changes my mood and perspective and forces me to stop looking at all the things I need and rather acknowledge the good that surrounds me and my family despite our circumstances. It quite literally makes me count my blessings and I love it!
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Here are some of the benefits of keeping a gratitude journal:
- Increases positivity and makes you happier
- Improves Self-Esteem
- Reduces Stress and Anxiety
- Helps you sleep better
- Helps you acknowledge God’s hand in your life
Since I have started recording my blessings and the things I am grateful for, I have become more optimistic – always looking for the good in every situation and even when there isn’t any good, I still have the peace of mind that while this may not be a blessings right now, it certainly will be a lesson one day. God continues to bless me abundantly and I love recording all the ways that he is working in my life.
Do you keep a record of your blessings in a gratitude journal? What is something you are grateful for, today?

I’m a coffee-wielding mood reader and romance book collector who may or may not have a slight addiction to buying books. I read a variety of sub-genres within romance, including rom-coms, dark romance, and fantasy. I love sharing my thoughts on books, whether it’s through book reviews, quotes, or recommendations inspired by my current reads. Through my romance book blog, Literary Inspired, I aim to provide in-depth book reviews, curated reading recommendations, and exclusive author promotions. I’m passionate about supporting indie authors and sharing my latest book discoveries with others. When I’m not reading, you can find me cheering on my favorite football team and F1 drivers, crafting, baking with my kids or playing with my pets.
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