Red shoes and swords My oldest son celebrated his birthday not long ago. I’ve spent a few days feeling nostalgic as I remembered him growing up. He was a busy boy! It seems he was born to get things done and take the lead. He crawled...

by Lisa-Mare Brown When my son was about 2 and half years old, our family decided that it was time for me to quit my job, and for my son and I to stay at home. It was a big decision, due to our lifestyle choices:...

One of my favourite places to be is the bi-annual Tierlandtynkies market festival in Pretoria. Every inch of space is filled with delightful treasures for my magpie eyes, handmade or curated by fun, smart and engaging entrepreneurs. Most of them are female, including the events’...

This year has been one where I have been challenged around correct boundaries when it comes to sharing my home. Far from being a Martha Stewart, I’ve always been slightly uneasy about opening my home to others. However, I’ve come to find peace in it,...

“Creativity is God’s gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God.” -Julia Cameron Before we get into the ‘how’, let’s start with ‘why.’ Why become a more creative mother? As mothers, we are busy enough as it is, is this another thing...

Proverbs 31: 30-31 “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Honour her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.” I have been thinking a lot lately about family, and what it...

In desiring to wait in faith for a baby to be added to our family, my husband and I have drafted a scripture based petitioning prayer to pray together. We know that God is on our side – family is His design, after all. Our...

It's Mother’s Day month again and as I ponder this I can’t help but think about the changing roles of motherhood. As I have said in previous blog posts, my husband and I have 3 kids and over the course of the past 27 years...

Do you remember that game we used to play when we were younger with our friends – “close your eyes and fall back I'll catch you?” We used to laugh, screaming “No I can't you are going to let me fall!” The response we always...

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