23 Sep Captivating Your Marriage
Today’s marriages are facing so much strife and thus end up in premature disappointments leading to divorces. Besides the current situation that the world is facing, the evil one has been toiling with people’s marriages, due to minor situations.
Some couples fail to keep walking through and conquer the negativities and difficult situations. Lack is a primary factor that affects couples and makes them think that the other link is weak prompting them to make decisions, to either end or look for a new partner whom they think will be better than their existing spouse.
Consider it pure joy my brothers whenever you face trails of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. – James 1:2 NIV
Certainly, in most cases, it’s just chastening and nothing more. You have to fight the good fight of faith in your marriage and conquer. Quitting is never a solution! Be committed to facing the boisterous winds of your marriage with your partner, and you will prevail. Doors that seem shut in the marriage will be destroyed if you can remain united. God blesses a united union and blesses marriages.
Fault finding is not going to make you both achieve, rather it will tear apart all that you have laboured for. Make Jesus the foundation of your marriage, for when the storms of life blow, you will remain standing and unshakeable because your roots are deep in Him. Never make the foundation and happiness of your marriage be based on material things, because these things are temporary and only Jesus is eternal. He will reward you both for staying focus on His word to build your marriage.
No weapon forged against you shall prevail and you will refute every tounge that accuses you. – Isaiah 53:17 NIV
If you truly stand on His promises nothing which will be thrown into your marriage will prevail, some are faced with barrenness, some it’s lack, and for some it’s infidelity but sisters Jesus can finish all these works of the devil just call unto Him. He will show you great things and give you a map to navigate your marriage with.
Consider just how deep the foundation of a building with many floors is, compared to a single standing building – it’s totally different. In the same way, in order for your marriage to stand firm during the storms of life, you need to be deeply rooted in Christ. Your spouse is the same person who adored you back then, he still adores you and promised to spend the rest of the earthly journey together. It’s only the fiery darts of the evil one towards your marriage that makes it weak and tremble. Remember he only came to steal, kill and to destroy your marriage, so sister arises and shine.
Bring that life back in your beautiful, precious marriage and forgiveness is the key.

My name is Ellen, I am married and a mother of 2. I hold diplomas in Marketing and Business and Industrial Administration. I’m a motivational speaker with a passion for empowering, encouraging and inspiring women.All my work is empowered by the holy spirit, who guides me and tells me what to write with the aim of soul winning.
Petronella Mapeta-Chinamora
Posted at 18:12h, 23 SeptemberAmen and amen