25 Oct Bookmarks
I have been trying my best to read more lately and have made a promise to myself, that come the end of the year, when I am on leave, I intend on spending a lot of time reading more of the books I had hoped to read throughout the year. With that in mind, I realize that I am utterly useless and remembering the page number I am on – no matter how much I think I will, I always forget – and that folding a page is just… wrong? I’ve started using just about anything to mark where I am in my books so figured that I would design some fresh new bookmarks for you to download.

I’m a coffee-wielding mood reader and romance book collector who may or may not have a slight addiction to buying books. I read a variety of sub-genres within romance, including rom-coms, dark romance, and fantasy. I love sharing my thoughts on books, whether it’s through book reviews, quotes, or recommendations inspired by my current reads. Through my romance book blog, Literary Inspired, I aim to provide in-depth book reviews, curated reading recommendations, and exclusive author promotions. I’m passionate about supporting indie authors and sharing my latest book discoveries with others. When I’m not reading, you can find me cheering on my favorite football team and F1 drivers, crafting, baking with my kids or playing with my pets.
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