Do you remember that game we used to play when we were younger with our friends – “close your eyes and fall back I'll catch you?” We used to laugh, screaming “No I can't you are going to let me fall!” The response we always...

When I was in high school, I printed out a bunch of quotes about prayer and stuck them on the inside of my cupboard door. Quotes like:   “Prayer does not fit us for the greater work; prayer is the greater work.” Oswald Chambers   “If I fail to...

"By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." John 13:35 NIV "This is my command: Love each other." John 15: 17 NIV Of all Jesus’s teachings, this one is one of the most important as Jesus did not just commission...

I have always enjoyed reading scripture. When I was a little girl I remember playing “church” with my friends. We would open up our family Bible and read for hours. Of course we had one of those Bibles that took up a whole end table....

Easter weekend is fast approaching – I know I feel like Christmas was yesterday! I couldn’t help but think of everyone preparing for Easter egg hunts in their gardens with little fluffy bunnies hiding and baby chicks bringing presents in the form of chocolate eggs...

By Teresa Burgess My story may look a lot like yours. There are definitely differences, but woven into both our tapestries are the joys and heartaches, threads of shame and celebration, pride and humility, tangled threads of regret, and beautiful, cherished moments. Some of my earliest memories...

For the aged ageing woman and the young who are ageing Embrace your true self - this is the very essence of your earthly journey. To become more like our Creator in nature and to pursue inseparable intimacy. My family genes acquire "greying" at a very young...

Throughout my journey of faith, I have had various conversations with fellow Christians about closeness with God, and what is common with most, is that we have all been through periods when we didn’t feel as close to Him. When that happens, we often conclude...

Weakness is a part of my daily life. As I type out that sentence feels exposing and raw, but it is true. I haven’t had the right language to name what it is but it started shortly after I got Covid for the second time...

"I am prayerful and I am joyful!" What a wonderful statement to make and ponder but in reality, some of us may be struggling to pray or perhaps you have questions:  To whom do I pray to?  How do I pray?  Why should I pray?  Do...

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