04 Mar BETA Bible Study Method
Posted at 08:00h
in Christian Blog, Christian Blogging, Christian Blogs, Christian Guest Bloggers, Christian Living, Christian Women, Christian Women's Ministry
Are you looking for a new method to study the bible? Well, this is my new method. I call it the BETA Bible Study Method. It has really helped me go deep into the word and it is the best bible study method for going deep that I have found.

I’m Jodi, wife and mom of two. I took a leap of faith and gave up teaching 3 years ago when my son was born. Since then, God has had me on a steep learning curve and now I devote all my extra time to encouraging women to grow their faith. I love creating resources and my heart is to teach and pastor women into full and abundant lives. Every day is a faith adventure and I love being on mine.
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