14 Aug Be Still and Know
He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth. – Psalm 46:10 (NIV)
In today’s society, we are so accustomed to being busy that we consider it to be a noble thing. We even go to to the extent of bragging to each other about our long to-do lists and how hectic our schedules are. Taking a moment to be still has become far-fetched and foreign to us. Yet scripture says that God is telling us to be still, and know that He is God.
It is easy to be fearful when we are faced with challenges and troubles in life. I believe that in these times of uncertainty, God is telling us to cease striving and realise that He is on our side. He is urging us to stop worrying and trying to do things by our own strength but to allow Him to do what only He can do.
It is in our stillness and not in our busyness that God will be exalted above our challenges and enemies. It is from a place of rest, where we will see His greatness and know that He is God.
When we stop trying to fix our problems and answer our own prayers, God can take over our situations. But as long as we are still toiling, they are in our hands to resolve.
May we be still in the midst of confusion and uncertainty as we face this pandemic and come to realise that God is well capable to help us. Then, His peace that surpasses all understanding, will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Be still!

I am a lover of Jesus, wife, mama bear to two cute cubs, Christian blogger and an extrovert at heart. I love meaningful conversations, beautiful spaces, a good read and not forgetting delish FOOD. When I am not working or wearing my mom/wife hat, then I am probably talking about the goodness of the Lord. With all the challenges in life, I continuously find my HOPE in Christ alone. My passion is to inspire others in their faith walk by sharing my stories through writing and speaking engagements.
Posted at 16:19h, 19 AugustLove this, 2020 has taught me stillness and listening beyond my imagination. Thak you for re affirming this😘