A New Beginning

Do you believe that God loves new beginnings?

Blossoms slowly opening, baby kittens born, a sunrise and the fresh morning air of dawn – some of these simple life pleasures lead me to believe that he absolutely does!

And so it is for Cup of Faith:

“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” – Isaiah 43:19

Megan Kelly began Cup of Faith in 2019, creating a special place for women to share our thoughts along our faith journeys. She did an amazing job of collecting prayer requests, inviting new writers to join, running a thriving Facebook group, collaborating in partnerships and more. Most importantly she created a platform for bloggers like me who just wanted to put pen to paper, and paper to world.

When I reached out to Megan to ask her about the hiatus in the website, she told me that her lifepath had taken on a new branch. She no longer had capacity for the time and detail that a website (and its connected community) like Cup of Faith demands. I had already felt whispers in my heart from the Holy Spirit about needing a website. I was humbled and awed to realise he wanted me to ask Megan whether I could purchase the site!

A few weeks ago I invited some friends to pray with me over this new season for the Cup of Faith ministry. Encouraging words and prayers were shared but I would like to share one in particular:

I see that Cup of Faith is like a dusty piano, covered up in a room. The cover is taken off and a girl sits down to play. A new and beautiful melody uplifts and refreshes all who hear the song.


We pray that in this next season God truly would make the words of our blogs to be like a powerful and beautiful song that goes out to whoever would listen so that many would be refreshed by the love of Jesus.


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