21 Apr God, Who Does So Much
In this journey of life, God has done so much for you and me, that it will never be enough to say thank you to our Father. I had so many reasons to give in and maybe hit a dead end, but He has been holding my hand before l was even formed in my mother’s womb. He is Jehovah, my deliverer and protector. If it had not been Jesus maybe by now, I would have been long dead. I love you Jesus, my own shield.
I sought out the Lord and He answered me, He delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to Him are radiant their faces are never covered in shame – Psalm 34:4-5 NIV
He is God and He does so much for us. Some of the troubles He delivers us before we even get into them. He enables us to win in every adversity. The days might be darker on your side but God has perfected all that concerns us. Keep moving He is for you and nothing can be against you.
Some of the things, I cannot tell them all and sometimes when l just feel like He has done a lot for me, He keeps on doing great and amazing things. His love endures forever, unchanging God that’s who He is.
He knows all you want before the desire even arises in you. God never abandons His own. Sometimes it feels as if He is so far and not hearing our prayers, He does and He will be working behind the scenes. When the going gets tough Jesus sticks closer to us and shows us the way. Everything about Jesus is awesome just the mentioning of His name makes my day.
I was young and now l’m old, yet l have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread. They are always generous and lend freely their children will be blessed – Psalm 37:26-26 NIV.
My name is Ellen, I am married and a mother of 2. I hold diplomas in Marketing and Business and Industrial Administration. I’m a motivational speaker with a passion for empowering, encouraging and inspiring women.All my work is empowered by the holy spirit, who guides me and tells me what to write with the aim of soul winning.
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