08 Mar Tattered But Chosen
So, you have given your life to Christ. The old is gone and the new has come (2 Corinthians 5:17). Sometimes in our journey of life we will go through experiences that are hard, it may be a brokenness in a certain area of your life. From time to time when believers go through hardships the enemy will use that season to make them believe that they are not worthy to be serving the Lord because of their adversity. The lies of the enemy will put a blanket over what God has called you to do simply because you feel like you can no longer be used by your heavenly Father.
When Lazarus was in the tomb, Jesus called him out (John 11:43) The Spirit of God fell on him, and he came back to life. But he was still wrapped up by bandages symbolic of his past and to a certain extent his “brokenness” (the fact that he had died). Today, I want to disarm the thoughts that tell you that you should not be serving or pursuing God. God through His son Jesus has breathed His life-giving Spirit into you. You are alive, remove every bandage of self-doubt, fear of what people will think…since they know your past or current situation. Continue to be faithful in whatever God has called you to do, even if you have scars.
Did you know that God chooses imperfect vessels like me and you for His glory? People that have limitations, deficiencies and wounds. People who do not have it all figured out. But He replied, “My gift of undeserved grace is all you need. My power is strongest when you are weak.” – 2 Corinthians 12:9. So, if Christ keeps giving me his power, I will gladly brag about how weak I am.
So YES! Sometimes God can send us out with our weaknesses still in evidence so that we can simply trust in His strength and walk in the grace He has endowed on us. I have learnt that in the pain and heartache or in the waiting I can still be a blessing to others. I can still tap in into the plan and purposes God has for my life.
The woman at the well is one of the best examples I can draw from (John 4:4 -26). This woman was living in glaring sin and I could add that she also experienced a type of brokenness. Society and culture would have branded her. However, the Master showed her that He was the solution for her emptiness. She was looking for fulfillment in all the wrong places. Jesus’ words reached the deepest parts of her heart and she had a revival. She went and shared the good news in her surrounding and was not held back by her brokenness or her history to hold her back.
Our adverse experiences should never water down the truth of God’s word. God’s word is ever true and ever powerful in all seasons. Continue to do what God has laid in your heart, His power is available to you. Do not live in the shadows of your past. Do not allow your trying season to separate you from God. When we have been forgiven of our sins and clothed with righteousness through Christ, we should serve the Lord with joy and confidence in Jesus. Come out of hiding! Shine for Jesus in all seasons. You may be tattered, but you have been chosen by God.

I love God and His word. I have a great passion to help women mature in their relationship with Christ…it’s possible because God’s grace has removed the boundaries. We have unlimited access to our Father.
Hazel Moonsamy
Posted at 10:57h, 10 MarchBeautiful words of encouragement…Praise be to God.
Loved the article.
Posted at 17:35h, 10 MarchWoooow, thank you so much. God is for us