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The Joy of Missing Out

It was Socrates who once said ‘The unexamined life is not worth living.’ In her book, the Joy of Missing Out, Tonya Dalton unpacks exactly how the modern woman can carefully reflect on her life in a meaningful and profound way.

In her highly anticipated first book, Dalton inspires women to reject the pressure to do more, be more, and achieve more. She shows them how to focus on what’s important to them and then helps them develop their own unique productivity systems. Through her proven liveWELL Method, Dalton provides actionable strategies with relevant exercises that help women to discover their purpose, clarify their priorities, simplify their lives, and finally achieve harmony by embracing the “unbalance” that is inherent in their lives. As a result, women discover they can finally live guilt-free, abundant lives–because living a life centered around their priorities results in more satisfaction and success, both at work and at home.

Productivity expert and CEO of inkWELL Press Productivity Co. Tonya Dalton challenges women to rethink “busy” and intentionally live with a mindset of abundance

Overwhelmed. Too many women are swamped and exhausted by all they strive to do, ending most days feeling unsatisfied and unsuccessful. Tonya Dalton, productivity expert and CEO of inkWELL Press Productivity Co., offers these women a liberating shift in perspective: feeling overwhelmed isn’t the result of having too much to do–it’s from not knowing where to start.To begin with, Dalton is vulnerable about her own frustrations with the unattainable illusion of a ‘fulfilling life’. The ideals and secret dreams of our heart – of what our life could be – seem unrealistic when there is laundry to wash, cakes to bake, soccer practice to shuttle kids to, bills, pills, family, trauma and… all of the other little pieces of life that seem to drain 99.9% of our time, focus and energy. Dalton is brutally honest about how overwhelming life is. Who else can relate? Due to her own determination to fight against the frazzled life, she has built a bulletproof system to help women plan out their daily, weekly, monthly, and lifetime goals.

The title ‘The Joy of Missing Out’ speaks to our unwillingness to say ‘no’ to other people’s requests – what will they think of us, and really, sometimes even when everything inside of us screams no, we still take on pressures and projects that push us further away from leading a truly productive life. Dalton spends a lot of time in her book going over a variety of useful strategies that remove the glass ceiling that the unwillingness to say no places over our heads.

Other strategies in this book include recognising and dealing with fatigue, creating space to be refreshed, recognising priorities correctly, breaking bad habits and forming healthy habits, and even healthy family routines. It may sound like a tall order for one book to reach so many targets, but Dalton makes these strategies incredibly accessible. She even offers digital support with codes for online bonus features following each main section.

It’s possible, yes, even in 2021, to live a life of clarity. It’s possible to live a life of simplicity. And it’s possible to achieve harmony. I couldn’t think of a better book to place under my arm and take on the new year with!


You can purchase your copy of The Joy of Missing Out from leading book stores including CUM Books

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