23 Oct When God Moved
Soul shattered, broken,
The pieces lost in a void of existence.
Every breath, every moment,
Haunted by the mistakes,
The horrors of a life that seemed so pointless.
Afraid to lift my head,
Afraid to look at the eyes of the world,
Afraid of the pain hidden in my own eyes
Existing in the shadows,
Waiting just waiting
For that moment I could stop breathing.
Lost in the darkness,
No hope for a soul torn
Beaten beyond repair.
Through the darkness,
Through the pain,
Comes a slither of hope
In the form of a name.
I heard Your name.
I heard it spoken among the crowds.
I heard that You could heal.
I heard that You could set me free.
Oh, Jesus,
I heard Your name.
I heard that if I fell before You,
If I gave You all the pieces of my shattered soul,
You could make me whole again.
With nothing to lose,
But pain and rejection,
All I had to give was my broken heart .
My empty soul.
Oh, Jesus,
I heard Your name.
I closed my eyes,
Closed my ears to the voices around me,
Held my breath for just a moment.
And fell at Your feet,
Fell at Your mercy,
There was nowhere else to go,
Nothing else to do.
In that moment…
Oh, Jesus, You moved.
Oh, Lord,
You are glorious.
So amazing.
You are beyond actual words.
I stood in awe at Your splendour,
And Your might.
I saw You.
Oh, God,
Exalted, over all,
Seated above the world.
You are God of creation.
God of the earth.
God of the heavens.
God of the sea.
There is nothing in this world,
Or universe,
That is more powerful,
More glorious,
More radiant,
More splendid,
Than You.
You are higher and deeper than any mountain or ocean.
Your greatness and Your splendour are more vast than every grain of sand on the earth,
More vast than every star and planet in the skies.
You reign gloriously above all.
But Oh, Lord
Despite Your glory
Your power and Your greatness,
You chose,
Oh, Lord,
To move, breathe and flow through my soul.
In all Your splendour
You took the time,
You took a moment to hear me,
To see me,
To speak to me.
Oh Lord
From Your throne of Glory,
From Your place on high,
You stepped down to my weeping soul.
You sat down beside me,
You placed Your hand upon my heart,
You whispered,
“Give it to me.”
In that moment,
That moment of trembling and shaking,
In that moment of surrender,
In that moment I crumbled.
I wept.
Oh, God,
Despite Your greatness
You held my heart still.
I sobbed,
Overwhelmed by Your presence,
Overwhelmed by Your love,
Overwhelmed by who You are,
Oh, Lord.
And still in that moment,
In that broken,
Desperate moment,
You held my heart.
Oh, Lord,
As the tears flowed,
You moved through my soul.
You are the King of all Kings,
You are Lord of all
And yet,
You chose to speak,
To touch,
To grace,
My broken, rejected soul,
With your presence.
Oh, Lord,
What love this is?
Oh, Almighty Father,
As I bowed my head,
My tears drenched Your feet.
You placed Your hand upon my head
And Your Spirit flowed,
From the tips of every strand of hair,
To the deepest, deepest part of me.
As Your Spirit flowed
And touched
And revived,
My body,
Through my soul.
When it felt like I could take no more,
When it felt like my veins would burst,
When it felt like my body could no longer contain my heart,
When my every breath felt like it would explode from my lungs,
You touched deeper,
You moved and flowed into places of my soul I never knew existed.
You opened veins that had no blood and you poured your spirit through them.
Oh, Lord,
Your temple trembled,
Your temple shook,
The very foundations of this temple’s soul shook
And Still,
You moved.
Oh, Holy and exalted God,
Oh, Glorious Glorious King,
Oh, Mighty and All-Powerful Lord.
I can never be the same again,
In that moment,
You moved me like never before.
In that moment,
I saw like never before.
In that moment,
I heard like never before.
Oh, Lord,
You have totally and utterly unravelled me.
You have shone light
On places within my mind and my soul.
You have completely,
And violently
yet gloriously,
Shaken me to my very core.
Oh, God,
I have been in Your presence so many times,
I have seen You,
I have felt You
And yet in this one moment,
You have touched me deeper,
And pulled me closer than I’ve ever known.
Oh, Lord
In this desperate place of needing You,
In this totally shattered, yet beautiful moment,
My soul,
Oh, God,
Has found it’s home.
At Your feet,
Surrounded by Your Presence,
Touched gently,
Yet intensively,
By Your grace and Your love.
Here is where my soul has found its centre.
Oh, Lord of all
Lord of my heart
Lord of my thoughts
Lord of my actions
Lord of my words
Lord of my life
You, oh, God, are Lord of all.

I am a single mom to a 16-year-old daughter. I gave my life to the Lord in 2012 and stand daily in awe of how Great God is. With God I have overcome severe depression, addictions, low self-esteem and suicidal tendencies. I have moved from living in lack of, to owning a company. I love to serve in the kingdom of God. I also love writing and listening to music.
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