14 Oct I am with you always
“But as for me, I will look to the Lord, I will put my trust in God my saviour; my God will hear me.”
Micah 7:7
When life’s burdens descend
Like a cold, heavy rain
Searching for sun, yet
Searching in vain
I pray in my heart
Again and again
God, are You with me still?
Each day that I walk
Through this valley of tears
Overcome by grief
Overcome by my fears
I pray in my heart
For strength to go on
God, are You with me still?
When I lie down at dusk
And darkness surrounds me
Yearning for light, and
Yearning for peace
I pray in my heart
My prayers of need
God, are You with me still?
Then the sunrise at dawn
Brought new life and light
I was touched by the Spirit of God
I thank Him for hope
I thank Him for love
For I know in my heart
This comforting thought
My God is with me still.
Even though we sometimes feel that God has abandoned us, we are assured through His Word that He is with us at all times.

I enjoy writing, quilting, gospel music, and being Oma to 8 precious grandchildren. We were a farming family, retiring to Medicine Hat, Alberta in 2000. My husband Tony, is the love of my life, and my faithfully patient caregiver. We have 3 adult children with families, and they are very supportive and loving. I am truly blessed, despite my health challenges, and I believe my ministry from home is God’s calling for me! I am privileged to share my Faith and bring God’s love whenever possible.
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