Oh this challenge to know me Oh this challenge to find me Oh this challenge to love me Deep in my heart, In the core of my being. I long for more, I long for life, I long for love, Every fibre, Every nerve, Every muscle, Every drop of blood, Wants to be more, Learn more, Love more Neglected, abused, Pushed...

Your heart has been torn apart, the intense pain of rejection hits your every nerve, it hurts so bad you feel like you're suffocating, you feel unloved, unwanted like nobody cares, and like you're not meant to be apart of this world. STOP! Think again. Think of this: God...

In case you woke up needing it, I wanted to take the time to remind you that you don't have to obsess over the things that you don't have control over. It might be easier said than done, but stop allowing your circumstances to take a...

The Bible says, 'Do not worry.' 365 times, to serve as a daily reminder not to worry. Don't get me wrong, it may be tough with everything that is going on in your life, but surrender your worries to God and trust him to deliver...

While scrolling through the timeline of one of my favourite celebs, I had a little shock: she was born in the same year as me! Even though she looked my age, I just never realized it, because ...

Soul shattered, broken, The pieces lost in a void of existence. Every breath, every moment, Haunted by the mistakes, The horrors of a life that seemed so pointless. Afraid to lift my head, Afraid to look at the eyes of the world, Afraid of the pain hidden in my own eyes Existing in...

To those who find yourself believing the lie that you're not enough, remember that God has a plan and purpose for your life. If he didn't, you wouldn't be here. Your purpose is very special and unique to you, and it takes guts and determination...

I'm climbing a mountain to freedom As I face my struggles and fears Pursuing a dream and a vision Of life without anger and tears. I need courage to climb that mountain I need someone to show me the way I need friends to come on this journey I need God each...

"But as for me, I will look to the Lord, I will put my trust in God my saviour; my God will hear me." Micah 7:7 When life's burdens descend Like a cold, heavy rain Searching for sun, yet Searching in vain I pray in my heart Again and again God, are You...

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